2024년 4월 NS Mall KR 할인 쿠폰, 쿠폰 추천

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소개 NS Mall KR

Since its foundation in 2001, NS Mall has grown into a deep-rooted tree, presenting new possibilities for the home shopping industry in Korea. I believe that today's NS Mall is the result of'customer-centered management' that puts the trust of customers first, and the efforts to provide higher value than the value paid by customers. As a general distribution company, we will add'healthy ideas' to our lives, and furthermore, we will strive to create a “shopping culture that can be enjoyed easily and conveniently anytime, anywhere” not only on TV home shopping, but also on next-generation mobile platforms such as Internet shopping malls and mobiles.Remarks: Please note that NS Mall do not accept IP address outside Korea, i.e. only order purchases in Korea would be commissionable.